Advice for Participants
How To Enjoy Summerfest
Be yourself. There is no pressure to be any certain kind of person at Summerfest. You can treat this event like a professional conference or a relaxed Summer holiday. Dress up, dress down. Be who you want to be.
Bring your best self and be ready to contribute. The event works best when we are all giving and receiving rather than being consumers of an experience that ‘someone else’ is providing.
It really helps if you come to the event rested, relaxed and ready to give, rather than arriving tired, stressed and needing lots of support. If you know you need extra support, please organise to come with people whom you trust to provide that.
Personal responsibility
Please share your feelings, perspectives, and requests with other people at the event. However, please don’t expect others to necessarily share your views, or to do what you ask. That is their choice.
Ask for what you want. There are ample opportunities to contribute and to receive, so make the most of them. If what you want is not on the menu then please add it yourself or ask if there is someone else who is interested in the same thing.
Everyone has different boundaries. Please be respectful and if in doubt ask people what experience they are up for, rather than assuming that we are all on the same page.
Take some risks. If it feels right for you then we invite you to introduce yourself to someone new, offer a new workshop, ask for help with a project, or share a story about why you do what you do.
While we will do our best to create a high-trust environment, it is important to maintain personal and professional boundaries that feel right for you. Don’t disclose information that you might regret sharing later.
Keep yourself and others safe. Physically, emotionally and mentally. We have a Health and Safety plan, but we would love it to stay in a folder during our time together. Keeping Summerfest safe is everyone’s responsibility. Ask the host team if you need anything to ensure safety at all times.
Opt in, Opt out
While we always encourage people to participate fully, everything about the Summerfest is optional. You are free to participate, pass (not participate), or remove yourself from any activity at any time.
This event is hosted by Enspiral with 💙